Styling Hooks

Styling Hooks

Styling hooks use CSS custom properties which make it easy to customize component styling and express your brand.

Before Getting Started

This documentation assumes you have an understanding of standards-based web technologies and the Salesforces platform. Additionally, we recommend having a solid grasp of these concepts:

These topics include concepts that are core to styling hooks. Understanding these topics beforehand is extremely beneficial when reading our documentation.

General Audience (GA)

As of the 2.17.0 (Spring '22) release, styling hooks is officially designated for General Audience (GA) use! This release adds CSS Custom Property capabilities throughout our supported components, creates a legacy stylesheet for browsers that do not support CSS Custom Properties (e.g., IE11), and updates the namespace of these hooks. Developers can now use all of the existing styling hooks in a fully supported way to customize the look and feel of their Lightning components!

Migrating Namespaces

As mentioned above, we changed the styling hooks namespace as part of the GA effort. From here on out, the official styling hooks namespace for SLDS will be --slds. The old namespace, --sds, will continue to function in the short term; however, it is best to migrate if you have existing declarations using the old namespace.

Migration should be a straightforward process, as no other part of the styling hooks syntax has changed. For all of your existing --sds declarations, migrating them to --slds will put you on the long-term support path. For the most up-to-date information on available component styling hooks, please visit the Blueprint Overview page and select your desired component.

New in Summer ’24

At Salesforce, we’re continuously improving our user interface architecture and planning for the future. Because, we’re planning to replace --lwc custom properties with --slds styling hooks in a future release (safe harbor). In the Summer ’24 release, the --lwc custom properties still work in Lightning pages and Experience Cloud sites. However, in Lightning pages you are strongly encouraged to replace --lwc custom properties during the Summer ’24 release with --slds styling hooks to avoid regressions when they are removed.

What are Styling Hooks?

Styling hooks use CSS custom properties which make it easy to customize component styling and express your brand, especially when working with web components and shadow DOM.

Below is an example of a custom container with a checkbox using styling hooks.

.my-css {
  padding-block: 0.5rem;
  padding-inline: 1rem;
  margin-block: 0.5rem;
  background: white;
  border: 1px solid #014486;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;

.my-checkbox {
  border-color: #014486;
  background: #cfe9fe;

.slds-checkbox [type=checkbox]:checked + .slds-checkbox__label .my-checkbox {
  background: #fff;
.my-css {
  padding-block: var(--slds-g-spacing-2);
  padding-inline: var(--slds-g-spacing-3);
  margin-block: var(--slds-g-spacing-2);
  background: var(--slds-g-color-surface-container-1);
  border: var(--slds-g-sizing-border-1) solid var(--slds-g-color-border-accent-3);
  border-radius: var(--slds-g-radius-border-3);

  --slds-c-checkbox-color-border: var(--slds-g-color-border-accent-3);
  --slds-c-checkbox-color-background: var(--slds-g-color-palette-cloud-blue-90);
  --slds-c-checkbox-color-background-checked: var(--slds-g-color-neutral-base-100);

If you're working in Lightning Web Components (LWC) and Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS), styling hooks will enable customization for your Lightning components in an elegant and supported fashion.

Currently, we are focusing exclusively on component-level customizations. Theming will be available in a future version.

What Does the Code Look Like?

At its heart, styling hooks are constructed using CSS custom properties, (also referred to as CSS variables or cascading variables). Here’s a simple example using our badge blueprint which contains styling hooks.

Badge Label
.slds-badge {
  background-color: var(--slds-c-badge-color-background, #ECEBEA);
  border-radius: var(--slds-c-badge-radius-border, 15rem);
  color: var(--slds-c-badge-text-color, #080707);
  /* Styles not pertinent have been omitted */

Lets take the background color property and break down its associated styling hooks implementation, piece by piece.


This is a CSS function that enables you to use the stored value of a CSS custom property. It accepts two arguments: a CSS custom property and an optional fallback value. In our example, --slds-c-badge-color-background is our first argument, the CSS custom property, and #ECEBEA is our second argument, the fallback value.

Learn more about the var() function on MDN


Declaring a custom property requires that the name begins with double hyphens (--). slds is a namespace reserved for the Salesforce Lightning Design System.


This identifier indicates that the custom property is a component-level customization within SLDS. It is specific to the component it resides in and does not affect unrelated components.

Curious about themed customizations? See the Theming FAQ


badge refers to the name of the component that is being targeted by the custom property. In our example, our component is named badge so we include badge in the name of our custom property.


To provide predictability, we’ve defined several categories that classify our naming conventions. In this instance, -color identifies the category that this CSS custom property falls under.

For a full list of our categories, see Naming Convention categories


This is the semantic user interface property being customized. This example is referencing the background property.


This is the fallback value if the CSS custom property is not valid. In styling hooks, this value is defined by the design system using a token and is not changeable. It is the sensible default of the design system.

See Naming Conventions for more detailed information regarding our naming conventions.

How Does it Work?

In the following section, we assume you have a working knowledge of Lightning Web Components (LWC). If not, you can find excellent information and documentation about Salesforce’s open-source, enterprise-grade web components foundation at

Even if you’re not working in LWC, this section provides helpful guidance for working with styling hooks.


To show a basic example of styling hooks in action, we’ll create a component that contains the badge Lightning web component. For more information around CSS custom properties and base Lightning components, visit the official base components documentation.


  <lightning-badge label="Badge Label"></lightning-badge>


:host {
  /* Your CSS goes here */


import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {}

We won’t be touching myComponent.js but it is required to get your component up and running.

We can use the special CSS pseudo-class :host to declare our CSS custom properties within our custom component myComponent. The pseudo-class, :host scopes our styles to the shadow host of the shadow DOM and is one of several useful ways to scope your styles. To dive deeper into the different types of scopes, see the Scoping section.

Styling Hooks ❤️ Tokens

It's best to assign styling hooks using tokens. This makes your CSS simpler and easier to maintain. SLDS Design Tokens provide a convenient set of standardized values.

Learn More

Example A

In our CSS, we’ll add custom properties to the :host pseudo-class that correspond to the styling hooks in lightning-badge.

In this example, we'll reference standard SLDS Design Tokens that are only available to internal developers. --lwc-paletteOrange80 will be used to configure the --slds-c-badge-color-background styling hook. We'll also configure the text color using --slds-c-badge-text-color to avoid any unexpected accessibility issues.

Components and Variants

Before customizing a component using styling hooks, it's best to first utilize standard variants provided by the component. SLDS offers several classes for use with lightning-badge that result in standard color variations with specific meanings.

View Variants

Accesssibility Requirement

Change contrasting semantic properties in unison. For example, you should customize both the background and text color styling hooks at the same time. This ensures that the color contrast won't change unexpectedly.

This customizes the background color of the badge.

:host {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--lwc-paletteOrange80); // internal only token
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--lwc-paletteNeutral10); // internal only token
Badge Label

Example B

For our next example, let's use custom Aura tokens to achieve a different look for our unique brand.

Custom Tokens

When developing Lightning web components use custom Aura tokens to create and manage your own collection of tokens. Custom Aura tokens, created in your org or installed from an unmanaged package, can be shared across all of your web components. In your web component's CSS file, reference the custom token using the --c- namespace prefix.

Learn More
:host {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-purple);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);
Badge Label

Example C

In our last example, we’ll add one more CSS custom property for an even more distinct feel.

:host {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-purple);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);
  --slds-c-badge-radius-border: var(--c-example-border-radius-small);
Badge Label

By declaring our own CSS custom properties within our custom component’s :host, we can assign values to the styling hooks and change the look and feel of our badge without ever touching the internal CSS of the component or needing to be intimately familiar with how the badge is built under the hood!

Advanced Usage

This section showcased a basic usage of styling hooks. You may run into instances where you want to customize a specific part of an experience component or limit the reach of your custom properties to a certain area of your app.

The Scoping section will provide guidance on these advanced customizations.

Naming Conventions

Styling hooks follows a specific naming convention to promote predictability and consistency. All SLDS styling hooks adhere to the following convention.


Namespace--sldsThe namespace of the system that owns the hook.
The scope defines the reach of the hook.
Note: The scope -c is different from the custom Aura token namespace --c.
Component-buttonName of the component.
Element-footerThe descendent element of the component.Optional
Category-colorThe category of the property that the hook affects.
Property-backgroundThe semantic UI property being affected.Optional
Attribute-smallThe semantic characteristic of a property.Optional
State-hoverThe state of a property within the context of interaction design.Optional

Usage Combinations and Examples

Naming conventions are prescribed in the previously listed order but can be used in multiple combinations with one another.

// Namespace + Scope + Component + Category + Property

// Namespace + Scope + Component + Element + Category + Property

// Namespace + Scope + Component + Category + Property + Attribute

// Namespace + Scope + Component + Category + Property + State


CategoryPropertyUsage Description
ColorBackgroundGeneric UI background colors
BorderGeneric UI border colors
LinkGeneric UI text link colors
FontStyleSupported font family styles
SizeGeneric typographic scale for fonts
WeightSupported font family weights
LineheightLineheightRelative line-height declarations
SpacingInlineHorizontal spacing between elements
BlockVertical spacing between elements
RadiusRadiusGeneric UI radius values
SizingBorderGeneric UI border widths
SquareGeneric UI dimensions to output a 1:1 square
WidthGeneric UI widths
ShadowShadowGeneric shadows used for depth

Directional Support

We aim to align with the flow-relative directional keywords found within the CSS logical properties W3C specification.

// Horizontal/Inline/X-Axis with location


// Vertical/Block/Y-Axis with location


Implicit vs Explicit

There may be times when a single custom property used multiple times throughout a component makes more sense than declaring several unique custom properties to do the same job. When a custom property is used in the former fashion, we define it as implicit and for the latter, explicit.

Each have their use cases and we allow for both implicit and explicit naming conventions with a set of rules delineating the two.

Implicit (component-level)

  • Custom property has multiple instances in the component that are expected to share the same value
  • Custom property describes the component as a whole, not an individual piece of the component
  • Custom property has only a single use case in the component and describes the component (e.g. a container)

Explicit (element-level)

  • Custom property is specific to an element and not reusable across other properties, expects a unique value
  • Custom property may exists across multiple use cases in a component but do not share a relationship
  • Custom property does not describe the component as a whole, it describes a specific piece of the component in isolation


Within the context of CSS custom properties, scoping refers to the region in which custom properties are valid and inheritable by any descendant custom properties. Your scope is determined by the selector you decide to use.


Applying custom properties to the global scope causes all applicable custom properties in your document to inherit from your global scope unless you define custom properties lower in the document tree.

:root is the most common global scope when it comes to custom properties. :root is a pseudo-class that targets the top-level element of a document. If :root is not accessible, target the highest available element in your document.

Learn more about :root on MDN

Lightning Web Components

:root is not available in Lightning web components. Use :host as described below.

 * :root
 * Scoped to the root of the document and all its descendent elements.

:root {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);

 * If :root is not accessible, target the top-level element available to you

.top-level-element-available {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);


You can scope your custom properties to a standard HTML element and have all its descendants inherit from it. Keep in mind the cascade, specificity, and inheritance still applies.

 * Element
 * Scoped to any HTML element and all its descendent elements

h1 {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);


You can scope your custom properties to a CSS class and have all its descendants inherit from it. Keep in mind the cascade, specificity, and inheritance still applies.

 * Class
 * Scoped to any element with the class applied and all its descendent elements

.my-class {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);


:host is a pseudo-class that targets the shadow host of the shadow DOM. Adding your custom properties to :host ensures your custom properties are scoped to the custom element that contains the shadow DOM. Keep in mind user styles always win over any styles inside :host.

 * :host
 * Scoped to the shadow host of a custom element's shadow DOM and all its
 * descendent elements.

:host {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);

 * :host -> Custom Element
 * Scoped to the custom element that is owned by :host, affects all descendants
 * of the owned custom element.

:host my-custom-element {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);

 * ❌ Attempting to reach into a component you don't own will not work,

:host my-custom-element another-custom-element {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);


There are multiple ways to use styling hooks; how you use styling hooks depends on your project’s needs and constraints. The following examples are potential use cases, not official SLDS guidelines or patterns.

We’ll use the following use case for our examples.


Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.



It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.

<div class="app slds-grid slds-gutters">
  <section className="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_1-of-2 slds-m-bottom_large section section-astro">
    <article class="slds-card">
      <div class="slds-card__header">
          <h3 class="slds-card__header-title slds-text-heading_large">
      <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner">
          Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps
          you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and
          welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve
          their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and
          having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.
        <div class="slds-badge special">Curious</div>
        <div class="slds-badge">Traveler</div>
        <div class="slds-badge">Welcoming</div>
  <section className="slds-col slds-size_1-of-1 slds-medium-size_1-of-2 slds-m-bottom_large section section-codey">
    <article class="slds-card">
      <div class="slds-card__header">
          <h3 class="slds-card__header-title slds-text-heading_large">
      <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner">
          It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and
          getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a
          maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or
          pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed
          or dive in to get things done.
        <div class="slds-badge">Builder</div>
        <div class="slds-badge">Fearless</div>
        <div class="slds-badge">Hugger</div>


Global scoping is a good option if you want to set a custom property once and have it affect your entire document or app.

Apply your custom properties to .app. This selector is the container for our application. Your global container may be different. The higher in your DOM tree you place your custom properties, the larger your scope.

.app {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);


Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.



It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


If you are working on the Salesforce platform, keep in mind access to :root is disabled. Alternatively, target the parent container of your app.


If you want to bundle your custom properties with a selector, you place your custom properties in a selector that is applied to your markup. This is typically a class although any valid selector will work.

.section-astro {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);

.section-codey {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-purple);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);


Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.



It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


A selector doesn’t have to scope to a region. It can be applied to a selector that lives on a single element to limit its scope.

.section-astro {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);

.section-codey {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-purple);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white);

.special {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background:  var(--c-example-pink);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-black);


Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.



It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


Web Components

We’ll update our example with a simple web component called fancy-greeting.

<div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner">
    <!-- Our new web component -->
      Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps
      you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and
      welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve
      their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and
      having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.
    <div class="slds-badge special">Curious</div>
    <div class="slds-badge">Traveler</div>
    <div class="slds-badge">Welcoming</div>
  <div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner">
    <!-- Our new web component -->
      It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and
      getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a
      maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or
      pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed
      or dive in to get things done.
    <div class="slds-badge">Builder</div>
    <div class="slds-badge">Fearless</div>
    <div class="slds-badge">Hugger</div>



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


A few things to note:

  • fancy-greeting exposes two hooks: --example-c-fancy-greeting-color-background and --example-c-fancy-greeting-text-color
  • We’re following our naming conventions with example, placeholder names
  • Shadow DOM is enabled (A warning about the shadow DOM)

Custom properties in web components inherit from their scope just like our previous examples. If we revisit our global example, we'll see our web components pick up on our global custom properties.

.app {
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-color-background: var(--c-example-gray);
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-text-color: var(--c-example-black);



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


As before, scoping to a selector allows us to customize the two sections differently.

.section-astro {
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-color-background: var(--c-example-teal);
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-text-color: var(--c-example-black);

.section-codey {
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-color-background: var(--c-example-purple);
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-text-color: var(--c-example-white);



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


Targeting the custom elements themselves works as well.

fancy-greeting {
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-color-background: var(--c-example-teal);
  --example-c-fancy-greeting-text-color: var(--c-example-black);



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


Working with :host

We’ve created a new web component called fancy-container and updated our example markup.

<div class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner">
      Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps
      you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and
      welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve
      their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and
      having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.
    <!-- Our new web component -->
      <div class="slds-badge special">Curious</div>
      <div class="slds-badge">Traveler</div>
      <div class="slds-badge">Welcoming</div>

In fancy-container‘s CSS, we add SLDS custom properties for badge to its :host. We then assign values to these styling hooks using our own tokens, referenced using CSS custom properties.

:host {
  --slds-c-badge-color-background: var(--c-example-blue, royalblue);
  --slds-c-badge-text-color: var(--c-example-white, white);



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


Shadow DOM Disclaimer

The shadow DOM, when enabled, prevents access to the internal DOM of the web component. Attempting to reach into the component from the outside will fail.

fancy-greeting .fancy-text {
  text-transform: uppercase;



Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn.




It’s hard not to notice Codey—he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done.


Our selector fails and the text does not transform to uppercase. Targeting a specific part of a web component that you do not own is not possible. This is by design and promotes component encapsulation.

It is up to the owner of the web component to provide you access. Examples of access is adding ::part or ::slotted within the component or turning off the shadow DOM. Unless access is granted, you can only target the parent custom element and have all of its descendants inherit from it.


What About Theming Custom Properties?

Currently, component-level customizations (e.g. --slds-c-*) are the only custom properties that are available.

Global styling capabilities that allow theming are in the works but not within scope. When global styling is introduced, it will be an additive feature that will not break any of your existing styling hooks usage.

What Styling Hooks are Available for Blueprint X?

Styling hooks are being gradually rolled out. You can track which components have styling hooks in the component list page.



Component-Level CustomizationThis is the component-level Custom Property of the Styling Hooks. E.g. var(—-slds-c-component-property, $fallback);
CSS Custom PropertiesEntities that represent custom properties that contain a value. Styling hooks are constructed using CSS custom properties. Also commonly referred to as CSS variables, these terms are often used interchangeably since both are true: it is a custom property and behaves as a variable when used within the var() function. Source: MDN
FallbackThis is the default value of the var() function
Global-Level CustomizationThis is the global-level Custom Property that is applied across the whole app and not specified to one type of component or specific component. E.g. var(--slds-c-component-property, var(--slds-g-property, $fallback); *Note: not currently available.
Styling HooksThe interface in which a customer would customize visual properties of their components.
Web ComponentReusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code
Web PlatformThe standards based implementation of World Wide Web Consortium. Basically the mechanism that all modern web browsers parse and render code written for the web.


SDSSalesforce Design System
SLDSSalesforce Lightning Design System
LWCLightning Web Components
APIApplication Programming Interface